A 15yr old female came with complaints of Easy fatiguibility since 5-6 months associated with giddiness while working

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/ her /guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Chief complaints:-
 A 15yr old female student of 9th standard came with chief complaints  of 
Easy fatiguibility since 5-6 months associated with  giddiness on doing work,  lasts for 2 to 3 min , relieves with rest.
Generalised weakness +,
H/o fever 10 days back, low grade , lasted for 2 to 3 days, relieved with medication 
no Pedal edema,no sob,
No bleeding per rectum, no dark coloured stools, no altered bowel habits, wt loss
H/o blood transfusion 6yrs ago due to less Hb
No drug and Allergic history
DIETARY HISTORY:- patient consumes mixed diet, Have good appetite,  consumes fruits,  takes food 3 times daily, no pica
MENSTRUAL HISTORY:- Menarche @12years,
 initially she had regular periods,  5/30 cycle,
Changes 2 pads/day, no clots,no dysmenorrhea
Since 1 yr, she is having irregular cycles,  bleeds for 5 days, no clots, no menorrhagia

Pt is conscious, coherent, cooperative, 
pallor ++, koilonychia +, 
CVS- s1s2 +, 
P/ABDOMEN:- soft, non tender, bowel sounds present

Diagnosis:- Microcytic hypochromic anemia -




Dietary iron mainly exits in 2 forms - heme and non heme iron .
Heme iron is found in fleshy foods 
And non heme iron - in vegetables ,which contains mainly phytates that is a potent inhibitor for iron absorption .

Three major factors influence the amount of iron absorbed and transported to the body for specific functions which is defined as iron bioavailability. These are the chemical form of iron, the balance of enhancers and inhibitors of iron absorption in the diet and the iron status of the individual. 
Iron absorption -5% of total  dietary iron intake .

Given that the predominant chemical form of iron in the Indian dietary is non-heme iron and the inhibitors far outnumber the enhancers, the absorption of iron is about 5% in most regional diets in India. Increased iron needs during pregnancy, early childhood, and adolescence make these population groups particularly vulnerable to anemia, especially in a situation of dietary deficiency and poor bioavailability.

The two criteria for defining a nutritional anemia are that: (1) deficiency or lack of a specific nutrient must cause the anemia, and (2) replacement of that specific nutrient must correct the anemia.

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